National Coconut Day 2023
National Coconut Day is June 26th - Discover the Amazing Benefits of This Tropical Fruit! You read that correctly: Coconuts are not nuts! In fact, they are more closely related…
National Coconut Day is June 26th - Discover the Amazing Benefits of This Tropical Fruit! You read that correctly: Coconuts are not nuts! In fact, they are more closely related…
It's National Coconut Day! National Coconut Day was established in 2019 and has an official designation from National Day Calendar . Looking for ways to celebrate? We've listed some terrific…
A large amount of the coconut tree is used to manufacture and produce various coconut products. A coconut is used in combination with actual coconuts harvested from coconut trees to…
Over the past few decades, a number of conventional foods have gained a lot of attentiondue to recent studies finding a lot of prospective health interests in these foods. Up…
Harvard University has distanced itself from claims made by one of its Adjunct Professors vilifying coconut oil. READ MORE
Washington, DC, August 31, 2018 – The Coconut Coalition of the Americas (CCA), is a DC-based not for profit formed to steward the responsible growth and communications surrounding coconut oil and coconut products. In light of the recent comment made in an aired video in German from Karin Michels, an adjunct epidemiology professor at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health in July in which she singles out coconut oil as ‘poison’, CCA has prepared several talking points. Dr. Michels opinion further fuels confusion about the health implications of consumption of saturated fats, not all of which are created equal.