Coconut oil contains a lot of health benefits and mutrients, including potentially beneficial fats. The nutrition found inside of coconuts is not the same as similar nutrition found in other foods.

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The fat composition of coconut has a profile consisting of

65% Medium Chain Triglycerides

19% Long Chain Fatty Acids

8% Mono and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

When considering coconut and its profile of fatty acids, it’s important to give consideration to how its fatty acids work. Coconut oil is different when compared to other saturated fats. The saturated fats of lauric acid and the Medium Chain Triglycerides found in coconut are, from research, generally considered potentially healthier then other types of saturated fats.

The Medium Chain Fatty Acids found in coconut are absorbed in the stomach and are processed in the liver. Instead of the longer fat digestion process, the Medium Chain Fatty Acids in coconut products bypass the usual fat digestion process and absorb into the bloodstream and go right into the liver.

Coconut products also contain a lot of helpful antioxidants. Antioxidants are shown to have capabilities to help the body reduce damage caused by stress and related effect.

Another important ingredient to pay attention to is the concept of added sugar since sugars can turn into fats. A lot of foods are sweetened with artifical and processed sugars to increase the amount of taste a product has.

These added sugars are not the same as the naturally occurring sugars and fats in coconut products. Since many of these sugars are processed they contain added ingredients that many health practitioners advise to avoid.

This is especially common in some of the fatty acids found in products. While coconut contains natural fatty acids, there are sugars and other fatty acids found in other products that, while called sugars and fatty acids, are not, naturally occurring.

Products called fatty acids or sugars do not contain the same potential ingredients or the same process these ingredients could potentially benefit the body. A lot of different ingredients are absorbed into the body and different places differently.

A great benefit of coconut products is how many are sold without any additional ingredients. These natural products are a great way to include these nutrients into the body and into many dishes. The amount of coconut consumed gives individuals the ability to control their own nutritional intake. Using different types of coconut products such as coconut water with coconut flakes is another great way to add flavor and variation to a diet while still including the vital nutrients offered from coconut.