Coconut oil has been studied for decades and has been found to potentially contain a large variety of
health benefits. The far-reaching and versatile potential health benefits include many different parts
of the body, however, most research focuses on how coconut products might be able to help improve
cardiovascular health.
The majority of research for coconut products and by-products usually investigates LDL and HDL;
these are both a form of cholesterol known as Low Density Lipoprotein and High Density Lipoprotein.
These forms of cholesterol are studied along with fats. The 2 main types of fats researchers are
interested in for coconut, LDL, and HDL are saturated and unsaturated fats.
Coconut products are unique in that they contain a type of medium chain fatty acids a lot of other
products do not have. While other products have medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil contains
unique types of medium chain fatty acids with potentially large reaching health benefits including
cognitive health, digestive health, cardiovascular health, immune support and more.
Research has shown the medium chain fatty acids found in coconut are absorbed differently and they
also have a more favorable profile fatty acid profile when compared with other types of longer chain
fatty acids. This more favorable profile, according to research, has shown other interesting health
benefits due to fatty acids found in coconut such as caprylic acid and lauric acid, which demonstrated
the possibility of antibacterial and antimicrobial benefits among other potential health uses including immune support.
The saturated fat profile found in coconut therefore tends, according to research, to show a lot of
potential health benefits. Since these fats tend to be absorbed differently and to have unique
attributes when compared to other fatty acids, the fats from coconut products should not be written
off as exactly similar to other fatty acids.
Coconut products are also associated with the potential to improve “good” cholesterol, which is HDL.
Studies have shown consuming coconut products can result in better HDL levels. Improving HDL is
beneficial since higher levels of HDL, as shown from research, help the body remove other forms of
cholesterol from the body.
Many individuals add coconut to their diets as food or supplements not only for the potential
cardiovascular health benefits, but also because there are many other promising studies showing how
the unique properties of coconut and its fatty acid profile can provide a holistic benefit to the body.